Welcome to Chihuahua.Community

3 min readMar 31, 2021


We are a Family -We are a COMMUNITY

If we have understood one thing in these years of studies towards the world of blockchain, it is that to give life to a new project, the so-called ‘FOMO’ of the moment is needed.

Inspired by the great noise caused by HOGE, the Chihuahua community is born.

What makes us different from the HOGE project?

We have the same lifestyle as the project and that is why we would really like to be able to get a partnership with the TEAM in the future.

We have ideas to share with the community and if you approve of them, bring them all to fruition. We are sure that the community that will be created will be strong enough to give confidence to new members.

We are all aware that in the moment of the great noise, copies are created without project objectives, but all linked to the sole desire to speculate.

We want to stand out, we know that it will not be easy to make our way to success with all these copies and that is why we have created any type of social account that can make us highlight through the various memes that will be created within our community.

But we have not yet answered the question, Chihuahua brings the same HOGE code with it, eliminating some features considered not used by our project.

function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {

_approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue));

return true;


function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {

_approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, “ERC20: decreased allowance below zero”));

return true;


We have NFT staking as our first goal in our Roadmap. What we mean by this … A staking page is being created where anyone who holds Chihuahua Token can decide whether to send part of their chihuahua tokens to the burning wallet to obtain a “Counter” token in exchange, which is therefore worthless, useful to buy Chihuahua NFT limited.

We have informed ourselves and currently it will not yet be possible to work with NFTs in the Binance Smart Chain world, for this reason we will initially create our NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain using the opensea.io site. We are aware that the ETH Blockchain currently needs many fees in order to be used but as we said as soon as https://jgnnft.com/create releases the possibility to create collections we will migrate all the NFTs on the BSC blockchain, redistributing them to their holders.

As an addition to our goals, together with the help of some members of our community, we will develop a real chihuahua token exchange game. We have created the “Work with us” section on the chihuahua.community community site, where community members will be paid in the form of donations for their glorious work done for the community.

Why should you be part of this community?

Chihuahua token, rewards you with a redistribution. 2% of any transaction launched on the Chihuahua token has a distribution mechanism shared across all wallets.

Unsuccessful through the presale, the first members of the community decided to change their launch strategy. The pool will be created with 50% HUA + 2BNB. The remaining part of the 50% will be burned by 45% while the 5% will be blocked for 2 months in view of partnerships and exchanges.

Therefore we will give up the ownership of the contract by assigning the burn wallet address of the token owner (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000dead)

We are editing all information on our social media-website. The launch of the token will take place on 11 April 2021. Time to be communicated through social media.

Check out our RoadMap on the chihuahua.community website and remember our references.


